Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Megan Williams - Torture Case Update

New charges are expected against the persons accused of torturing Megan Williams in Big Creek, W. Virginia.

Read the story here.


"Megan Williams' statement said the defendants told her they didn't like black people and that they were going to hang her, though no hate crime charges were filed." Apparently the prosecutors are focusing on charges that will result in longer prison sentences because in Virginia, the maximum sentence for a hate crime is 10 years.

Read more here.


AJ said...

Those are some sick folk. I hope they all get life in prison.

AJ said...

It seems the penalties for hate crimes need to increase. You would think some Hate Crimes would carry a life sentence.

Chocl8t said...

Hi AJ! Yes, one would think penalties for hate crimes would carry very stiff penalties, given the intent. Maybe the citizens of W. Virginia could lobby state officials for this cause.