Friday, July 20, 2007

Genarlow Wilson v The State of Georgia

The Georgia State Supreme Court is hearing this case as of this morning at 10:00. I wait with bated breath to see if common sense will prevail.

Genarlow Wilson was 17 when he was convicted of aggravated child molestation of a 15 year old girl after engaging in a consensual sex act. WTH? Yes, getting blown in the state of Georgia can land you in jail. Well, it isn't that simple, but you get the point.

To read more detailed reports you can visit the following links:

***Photo credit -***
***The hearing has ended. No ruling has been announced as of yet and no date given of when it will be.***


Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Gavin said...

Has he received anything from the state to make up for all the time and bullsh_t they put him through? I hope so; and I hope that f_cking prick DA got thrown in jail for life, and repeatedly raped to death for doing that to him... I personally think this is one of the most disgusting displays of RACISM that I've seen in my 24 years of life. I mean, ____, I should have been thrown in jail for many "crimes" when I was 17, based on Georgia law. I bet the girl was white; I mean, I know she must have been white. Damn, I swear to god, F__K that DA. What is his F__king name so I can google him and send him a nasty email, telling him what a racist bitch he is? Somebody tell me, please. What a f__king c_cksucker! Somebody please tell me that the family sued and got a lot of money at least. Even better; tell me that DA got shot in the head or something (not endorsing violence).

Unknown said...

Gavin, a class I am taking happens to be studying this case. Neither girls involved were white. However, the DA definitely still had the power to use discretion when making the charges against Mr. Wilson. I think it was more so a matter of revenge than anything (though race can be a possible additional factor) because the plea bargain that was initially offered to Wilson was not accepted. I will also add that I am quite happy Genarlow Wilson decided to stand up for himself and not take the plea bargain that was offered because he did in fact help change a ridiculous law. Praise the Lord for the power of strength and courage.